Title: Hopeless Romantic Author: Flow19 Characters: Sooyoung, Kyuhyun, mentions of other SNSD and Super Junior members, mystery character Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sooyoung/? Length: One Shot
Au Clair de La Lune IU / Eunhyuk 1653 words Summary: Someone looked for a pen, someone looked for a flame. In all of that looking, I don’t know what was found. A young singer and performer meet on the streets of Paris. AU
Emitte lucem et veritatem [2/2] Send out light and truth Sulli / Siwon (+ the rest of Super Junior and most of f(x)) ~5500 words Summary: An arranged marriage is set to bring about peace between two Kingdoms, but as the Prince and Princess come to care for each other, a war threatens to tear them apart.
Emitte lucem et veritatem [1/2] Send out light and truth Sulli / Siwon (+ the rest of Super Junior and most of f(x)) ~5700 words Summary: An arranged marriage is set to bring about peace between two Kingdoms, but as the Prince and Princess come to care for each other, a war threatens to tear them apart.
Title: This Is Our Romance Pairing: Heechul/You Rating: PG, Drama Summary: Sometimes, he’s too much. Sometimes, you can’t get enough. Status: One-shot. Complete. For
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